Hundreds Pack 16th-Annual Open House

Thursday, May 18, 2000
Hundreds Pack 16th-Annual Open House

POTTSTOWN - Near record numbers of builders and contractors crowded the annual contractor open house held at A.D. Moyer Lumber on Armand Hammer Boulevard.

Each year, A.D. Moyer ships in a 40’ X 140’ tent in which to host the contractors who - in addition to enjoying a free meal and camaraderie - receive gifts, win prizes, and view new products and services from the near forty vendors who are displaying inside of the tent.

This year’s number of registered attendees exceeded 450 to the exclusive “invitation only” event, store officials said. So exactly how does a company feed so many hungry contractors and their guests after a hard day’s work? Hire caterers of course. Wegman’s catering trucked in; 27 pounds of cheese, 35 pounds of ring bologna, 32 dozen red beet eggs, 8 gallons of macaroni salad, 12 gallons of potato salad, 14 gallons of baked beans, 160 pounds of hot roast beef marinated in 8 gallons of gravy, and 247 pounds of country fried chicken. Oh, and for dessert, a mere 535 frozen ice cream cups. Pat’s Beverages rolled in the hundreds of gallons of cold beverages needed to wash it all down.

Although the primary purpose of the event is for A.D. Moyer to show its appreciation to it’s most valued customers for their patronage, the focus of the event is education. This event is one of several that A.D. Moyer’s owners and management use to “partner” with the contractor and assist in educating them towards making their own business more productive and profitable according to A.D. Moyer's Director of Marketing, Ron Schock.

The thirty-seven displaying vendors promoting various tools, hardware and building materials, and industry related services formed the aisles of the crowded big top tent. Contractors circulated throughout the four-hour event asking questions, participating in multiple hands-on demonstrations, and taking advantage of special show prices.

In addition to the meal, all attendees received free t-shirts and many left with one or more of the multiple prizes that were awarded that evening. Each vendor drew names to award door prizes in excess of $1850. A.D. Moyer gave away an additional $2400 in prizes including the grand prize of a cruise for two to the Caribbean awarded to Douglas Davis Contracting. Attending contractors also learned how they can become eligible to win one of two Yamaha ATV’s that the company will be awarding in December and $4000 in gift certificates that will be awarded monthly throughout the remainder of the year.

“It’s always great to see so many attend and have a good time at this event,” said George Graham, sales manager of the Gilbertsville store and master of ceremonies for the event. “It’s a good meal, good time, and it gives us a chance to say ‘thanks’ to the hundreds of people that are the core of our business year after year."

A.D. Moyer is a family owned business having locations in Gilbertsville, Pottstown and Birdsboro and recently celebrated their sixtieth and best sales year in 1999.


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