A.D. Moyer Co-sponsors Boyertown Multi-Service

Saturday, March 18, 2006
A.D. Moyer Co-sponsors Boyertown Multi-Service

Boyertown – A.D. Moyer Lumber and Media Fusion Technologies have pooled resources to provide full sponsorship of the new website for the Boyertown Area Multi Service, Inc.

Multi-Service is an independent, non-profit social service agency dedicated to meeting the needs of the residents of the Boyertown Area School District as well as the townships of Amity, District, Hereford, Pike and Oley. The agency operates a Senior Center, offers volunteer transportation to medical appointments, serves Meals on Wheels, provides energy assistance, and has a daily emergency food pantry.

Multi-Service provides office and meeting space to agencies that serve the people in their service area: Berks Co. Intermediate Unit, Juvenile Probation, WIC, Pennsylvania Counseling Services, PA Department of Public Assistance and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.

In early 2005 a capital campaign was launched for the express purpose of building a new facility that will better serve the ever increasing needs of the people of the community. This building, located at 200 West Spring Street in Boyertown, was completed in early 2006 and has become an architectural jewel to the Boyertown skyline.

According to A.D. Moyer’s Director of Marketing, Ron Schock, A.D. Moyer supplied the majority of building materials required to construct the new building which created a natural evolution to sponsoring the website when the offer was presented.

Darrell Kean, President and CEO of Media Fusion Technologies, Inc. (MFT) in Boyertown contacted A.D. Moyer with his proposal since the two companies had partnered in past sponsorships. MFT had already committed to developing and hosting the new website and was looking for a partner in the community to share the costs. Officials at A.D. Moyer agreed without hesitation and the Multi-Service officials gladly accepted.

The website (www.boyertownareamulti-service.org) was launched in March and is an attractive and comprehensive site filled with valuable information about the Multi-Service and their numerous community support projects. In addition, those browsing the site will find detailed schedules and events, information on financial assistance programs, transportation assistance details and can download the current monthly newsletter.

A.D. Moyer Lumber, headquartered in Gilbertsville with stores in Pottstown and Douglassville, has been serving the building material needs of South Eastern Pennsylvania since 1939. Founded by Amandus D. Moyer, the company is now under the administration of the third generation of Moyers and remains actively committed to its role in supporting valued community efforts. Additional information can be found at admoyer.com or by calling (610) 367-2036.

Media Fusion Technologies is a multi-media marketing services company specializing in web site design, programming, and in-house hosting. MFT began 17 years ago as 'DK Kean Photographic Services', a commercial & industrial photography company. Since then, numerous ways to market businesses have evolved, and with that, Media Fusion has evolved too. Additional information can be found at gomft.com or by calling (610) 367-7747.


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