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HR Building - Authentic Integrity, a Higher Approach

Authentic integrity – a higher approach
Authentic integrity – a higher approach

Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Categories: Human Resources

Have you found yourself in a situation where you were pleasantly surprised because someone followed through with what they said they would? Whether it be a returned phone call, appointment kept, borrowed item returned, or perhaps ownership of an epic blunder that impacted you in some way. Each day you and I have the opportunity to be a person of what I call “authentic integrity” and enhance the relationships around us both professionally and personally.

Here are some thoughts on developing habits towards authentic integrity:

  • Know the names of the people around you: whether co-workers, neighbors or the cashier checking you out. When you encounter one of these individuals a smile and “Hi Mary” or “Good morning, Bob” will go a long way. Knowing and using someone’s name shows them you recognize and value them. Over time this will be the root of building a relationship with the individual.
  • Put the device down and engage face-to-face while being present in the moment. Whether that’s watching your child during a sport’s practice or minutes before the business meeting starts. Use these opportunities to participate and connect with others. Learn the names of the other teammates to root them on during the wins and to support during the losses. Learn about what’s going on in the lives of co-workers (upcoming vacation, common hobbies, or a work project that you may be able to lend your expertise to.)
  • Keep your word – DO what you say you’ll do. If you commit to a project, task, activity, etc. stick with it. If an unforeseen event causes you to break your word, follow up accordingly with an apology.
  • Allow time for yourself to recharge, refresh and live well. All stages of life carry peaks of busyness, however, it benefits no one if you are completely burnt out, stressed, and overbooked. Learn to assess and reprioritize your calendar to see where you are overcommitting to the requests of others and be honest if you need to say no.
  • Remember that game where the phrase 'I didn’t say you stole the money', had many connotations depending on where your emphasis is in the sentence: I, say, you, stole, money. It remains true, your delivery: how, where, and when of what you say and do is key. 

Being a person of authentic integrity involves taking a personal inventory of opportunities where you can make a personal connection with those around you and then actually putting those things into action by doing them.

Tagged:personnel, employment, HR Building, integrity

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